Welcome to Overthoughts





“We are dying from overthinking. We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything. Think. Think. Think. You can never trust the human mind anyway. It's a deathtrap."

                                                                                                         ---- Sir Anthony Hopkins

About Us

We are one. There is one writer here. You get one opinion. It really depends on the writer's mood on the day the piece is written as to which opinion it will be. A wise person one said, a smart person changes their mind, but a fool never does. My mind changes often, which doesn't necessarily make me wise, but maybe keeps me from being the fool. If you don't like my opinion today, check back later, it may change.

Eclipse 2024

I’m assuming that unless you have been living under a rock for the past few months, the today’s solar eclipse did not take you by surprise. I can only imagine what it would be like for someone who had no idea it was coming, especially that last ten minutes prior to and throughout totality. I can understand how something like that could greatly cause concern in an unsuspecting person or animals.

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Some Thoughts on Easter

Today was Easter, and it was an absolutely beautiful day. That is very rare in my memory for Easter to fall on a day of beautiful weather. It is usually cold and dreary, but today was exceptional. I don’t really have a lot to say about Easter, so this will be pretty short.

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What Dreams May Come

Today I did something I always thought I wanted to do, but never was in the position to do. I taught a class to a group of adults who actually wanted to be there and take the class. Now I know that doesn’t sound like anything big, besides, I have actually taught classes before and presented things to groups of people, but this one was all mine. It wasn’t something that was scripted for me, it wasn’t in collaboration with someone else, it was all introverted, nervous, anxious me. To be completely honest, I don’t think I did all bad. I actually had some fun being in front of the class explaining things and giving examples and getting them to participate and engage in conversation. I did mess up and give our speaker the wrong date, for some reason every time I have typed ‘March’ this year, it has come out ‘April’, but no worries, I found some co-workers to discuss their programs with them and everything worked out and I didn’t implode or anything. I will try to get my speaker back another day. If I sound just a little proud of myself, I think I might be just a little bit 😊. I only have nine more classes to go with this group, and I now think I can do it. My stress level that has been out the roof for the past month has dropped, at least to eye level. If I stand on my tippy toes, I can breathe. A huge thank you goes to my wonderful colleagues, my boss lady and the Sparkle. They know who they are. They have been tremendous support to me and our whole group holds each other up every day.

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I have been thinking a lot lately about life and why we do the things we do. For the past few years, I have been more focused on things that are important to me and not so concerned about what is going on around me. Maybe it is just a part of getting older. Maybe it is part of being lonely or independent. Maybe it is just being selfish. I don’t know, and really at this point, I don’t really care. All I do know is I think about it a lot; life, that is, and how mine is passing by so quickly and I have so much to do. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things if I do any of it? Does anyone really care, or will they even notice? In 100 years, will my existence even be known to anyone? I have no children so I will be no one’s direct ancestor. I have produced nothing for future generations to study or use. There is no reason for future generations to be curious about me or even know of my existence. That makes me just a blip in time, here today, gone tomorrow existence. So why do I try so hard to impress? Who do I need to impress? (See, I told you I have been doing a lot of thinking.) The only one I would like to hide from is God, and unfortunately, he knows all my quirks already and escaping him is an exercise in futility. I have finally come to terms with this fact, so I stopped hiding and started praying more, which is really all one in my shoes can do.

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